D L's Blog
Monday, October 17, 2005

Mood:  incredulous
Hi there, everyone! DL here. It is October 17,2005 already, can you believe it? Anyway, I have been to class and am learning to be more assertive, yet not passive/aggressive. What we learn in the proper supported environment, about ourselves can be shocking, yet very informative. I am striving to stop old non-productive behaviours, which have not boded well on job sites in the past.

Posted by counsel-me-online at 4:40 PM CDT
Sunday, October 9, 2005

Mood:  down
Hi ladies, it's DL here!! Welcome to all women and those who would like to be women. It is October 9, 2005, and here in Canada, we just stuffed ourselves with Thanksgiving turkey. Do you think that the media will be as filled with the Indian and Central American disasters, as much as the Hurricane in Louisiana disasters? Have to check out the BBC or India MSN.

Posted by counsel-me-online at 9:58 PM CDT
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: A Woman's Sharing Place
Hi there, shy gals. Please feel free to enter a reply or comment of your choosing. It's been a slow road to recovery from mental and physical changes, but I'm getting there, slowly but Shirley (woman's spelling for a woman's blog page.)

Posted by counsel-me-online at 10:18 PM CDT
Monday, August 15, 2005
Mood:  on fire
Well, I have now done some research on the previous topic, so get this:

1953 UK. NAZI scientists were involved in the nerve gas research that led to the ‘suspicious’ deaths of at least 25 ex-servicemen at the top secret Porton Down base. [Media] British nerve gas death tests ‘had Nazi scientists’

1953 - U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.

cynics] military admits chemwarfare against US/Canadian citizens....
this is from an article by a canadian doctor on mycoplasma, the probable
cause of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, desert storm syndrome, and who knows
what else....
subtitle of article should be ..... why "god bless america" is a lying sack
of shit nation
as bad as osama any day of the week....

How's that for Genocide?
Love DL

Posted by counsel-me-online at 7:19 PM CDT
Fogging in Manitoba 1953
Mood:  incredulous
In 1953, the Canadian government allowed the Americans to experiment with a nerve gas, by fogging parts or rural Manitoba, and Winnipeg city. Years later, my mother discovered, in a copy of what was Life magazine, a reference to the fogging, that citizens/tax-payers had been unaware of, and the article stated that the long-term residual side effects would be respiratory and neurological problems. Well,my mother and I both,now both have neurological, memory, and respiratory problems, that neither of our doctors have been willing to even research, never mind accept. Anyone know of a sight that will give us more information?

Posted by counsel-me-online at 1:36 PM CDT
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Mood:  happy
Topic: A Woman's Sharing Place
Hi,everyone, welcome to D L's blog!! Hope you are all having a wonderful day. I know I am, even though the new cable TV hook-up app't. for yesterday seems to have disappeared from the orders! But that's OK, 'cause the sun is shining, the sky is still there, and I woke up this morning, so it is already a glorius day, no matter what (I hope)--the eternal optimist--NOT LOL.

Posted by counsel-me-online at 10:37 AM CDT
Friday, July 29, 2005
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: A Woman's Sharing Place
Here is a sample of what has been happening all over North America, with drugs like Crystal Methamphetamine: In the month of June, 2003 a mother from New Jersey contacted a counselor about getting help for her Daughter. Our counselor recommended a rehabilitation program and Mom contacted this facility to get information about how to help daughter who was wanting help one day and not the next. Our counselor recommended an intervention and mom went ahead as planned. Mom contacted the facility to get information and then a couple days later called back to ask when she could come to check in. The counselor recommended that she be brought the next morning as daughter was very unstable and was likely to change her mind or even worse. Mom decided she would wait until Tuesday to bring daughter to the facility. On Monday daughter left without telling anyone and went to another state. The counselor from the drug rehab facility tried to contact daughter but was unable to contact her. In Late July, Mom contacted counselor of the rehab facility to inform him that daughter had overdosed, and that she was buried 2 days earlier. Mom was devastated that she had not taken the advice of the counselor to get her daughter to the centre the next day and she said she wanted to make sure that the counselor never gave up on anyone, and as well that she hoped any other family member out there would take the advice of the counselor and act fast so as to prevent the one last hurrah from being a deadly reminder of how real this problem is.

Posted by counsel-me-online at 1:57 PM CDT
Monday, July 11, 2005
July 11,2005
Mood:  party time!
Hi, everyone, I am at Falcon Lake Resort, and lovin' it!!! Hope you all are finding ways to beat the heat and humidity. HelP!!! I'm melting. Love, DL

Posted by counsel-me-online at 8:01 PM CDT
Monday, July 4, 2005
This last month in the news:
Mood:  irritated
Topic: A Woman's Sharing Place
Well, it's Independence Day in the U.S., and we just celebrated Canada Day this past weekend, as well. I was so glad to not have to see Michael Jackson's puss on the news, and Sir Bob Geldoff's, too. Now we have to keep being bombarded with Karla Homolka's story!!! Anyone else fed up with over-kill by the media, on negative, horrific people?

Posted by counsel-me-online at 3:16 PM CDT
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
A Woman's Job
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Why are we expected to fix everything?
Topic: A Woman's Sharing Place
Why is it that we women are expected to fix everything? From children's toys to spouse's woes, to finding our own diagnoses?
Why is it that it usually depends on my own adaptability and knowledge of resources, in order to find out, for my physician, what my symptoms may or may not be indicative of, when my complaints have fallen on deliberately deafened ears?
Perhaps it is as my doctor once shared, that his house is full of women. Could that be why he doesn't hear this patient?
Anyway, there will be a Webcast on Thursday, June 30, 2005 from 50+.com with live interaction and 4 qualified guest speakers. They will be discussing Multiple Sclerosis symptoms, such as Bladder and Bowel problems, Muscle spascicity/rigidity, and Cognitive impairment.

Posted by counsel-me-online at 1:23 PM CDT

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